Saturday, 28 July 2012

Obsessed with social media...

This is not going to be any kind of in-depth, analytical or even worthwhile engagement with this topic, it is just merely a passing musing. But what is it with this strange obsession with putting out all our feeling, thoughts and activities out into the world wide web for all to see? Most people say all the time that they always know exactly what's going on with me or what I've been up to even if they haven't seen or spoken to me in ages - just because that's how much I post on facebook. But the inherent dangers that lie in things like facebook, twitter and , yes - blogging! - are endless. People make so many false assumptions about people and who they are based on facebook updates and photos - and while I certainly think that it is some reflection of who you are it is never the sum total of a person and never truly reflects their thoughts and feelings. Secondly, it allows people, and I am most certainly guilty of this even if I do it in a cryptic or abstract and veiled way, to air their dirty laundry for all to see. I must be rather unattractive I'd imagine and right now I'm almost feeling slightly embarrassed to admit it.

I used to think that despite my incessant need to post things on the interwebs that I still maintained a certain respectable level of discretion as to what to post and what not to. And while I don't think this is entirely untrue sometimes maybe the emotions I'm feeling at the time outweigh my capacity for reason just the tiniest bit. And while I have been getting incredibly annoyed at having to over think every status or picture I post, and have started making certain things only visible to certain people in order to avoid hurt feelings or unwanted inquiries into further explanations or false assumptions or just plan judgement - I do feel I need to re-evaluate my place in this big bad world of social media.

And what better way to start doing that than by using one of my social media outlets, right? :P lol

Ok, I have to go shopping for my very exciting belated birthday bash I'm having with my friend Claire (a 'big kids party' - very amped), so I will be loving and leaving anyone who is actually even reading this :P

Much peace and love and ladybugs to you all!! ^_^

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


So I actually dragged my butt to gym this morning for the first time in a VERY long time :P It Always makes me feel super motivated when I do and despite struggling at first, once the endorphins got a-flowin' I felt great :P Ready to cross things off my to-do list and beat the constant struggle with procrastination :P I was feeling quite disheartened yesterday after having a very scary first seminar with a lecturer who is rather intimidating and a course whose work load seems pretty much impossible AND THEN getting an e-mail telling me all the 1st year tutors (which includes me) have to attend a whole bunch of extra lectures because its a new course - SO annoying :/

Anywho - much more positive this morning ^_^ Just to keep this going somehow...

Here's my new favourite work out song of the moment from the stunning Dia Frampton!


Peace and love out to you all - promise I will post something more substantial soon ;P <3

Friday, 20 July 2012

New beginnings... all over again XP

So here I am again, for the millionth time talking about making a fresh start, recommitting to my goals and trying to focus on the ways in which I want to improve myself after another rough break up. So I apologise to anyone actually reading this if it feels like deja vu and is a bore :P

The last few weeks have involved a lot very very critical thinking around my politics honours module Ubuntu because we had the Thinking Africa colloquium and honours winter school around the topic. I have had the immense honour of listening to, interacting with and having in depth conversations with absolutely amazing academics from all over the continent and from overseas and I could not help but relate so much of it back to myself - the way in which I live my life, conduct myself, think about myself, relate to others... A lot of soul searching has been done and a lot of it I am really not happy about. I have come to a lot of hard realisations about myself - and not the defeatist, insecure little self doubts that have always been there, but some real revelations about my underlying faults which are truly inhibiting me.

For now, I am sitting alone in my room, feeling back in the exact same spot a always do - with a million things to do, a million plans and lists to get them done, and yet still feeling paralysed to get started on any of it because - well I don't really know. All I can manage is this defense mechanism of closing my brain off by putting on episode after episode of trivial tv series so that I don't have to think. But I cannot revert back into this. It wastes too much time and these are my last 6 months here at Rhodes - and possibly of university forever - and I cannot possibly let this time slip by without making the most of it and looking back after the fact and having regrets.

So I start with what I always do - lists. Lists, after list, after list. (There is something incredibly comforting about an extremely comprehensive list - especially the ticking things off part. :P)

One of the things on one of my multiple lists is to get back into blogging regularly again so this was me getting onto that. :P

On a much more light hearted note (because as I said to someone the other day, I think that frivolity is an extremely important part of life! :P) here is a hilarious set of youtube videos I found today (courtesy of another youtube star I am a huge fan of Jenna Marbles)... This is the first episode of many filled with a lot of drinking, a lot of ridiculously bad (which in our books means good) word play, and not very much successful cooking. . . Hannah you are amazing!! ^_^

My Drunk Kitchen

(I especially love how in her drunkeness her rants about food often become profound metaphoric musings on her life experiences - which make me love her even more!!)

I'm out for now... I will hopefully stick to this (and my many other) newly-single-resolutions :P

Love and peace to all out there <3